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Card+ App. Control your cards.

Control & manage your cards, create one-time cards, or card numbers that only works with a specific merchant, location and more.

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Security. Ease of Use. You Control.

Secure your payment methods with SmartTokenization™ technology, enabling custom limits to prevent fraud, unauthorized transactions and enhance the customer-merchant experience.

Card numbers that can only be used once. This prevents fraud and unauthorized transactions.
Phishing Protection
Card numbers that can only be used with the actual real merchant.
Limited Subscription
Ever got charged for a subscription you forgot to cancel? Card+ can set custom expiration dates on cards.
Location Limited
No more calls to your bank when you travel. Card+ can limit the location of where a card can be used.
Amount Limited
Set a limit or credit amount on a card. This is great for gift cards or employee spending.
Merchant Limited (For Card-On File)
Create card numbers that can safely be stored for use at your merchant of choice, and yet not usable anywhere else.
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Public Beta Coming Soon

Card+ App